Church Interiors
Hello Everyone and welcome to our blog. Below you will find some interior photos of our church. I hope you enjoy!
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Pascha 2024 - 05/05/2024
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Deacon Michael's Double Orarion Elevtation - 12/11/2022
On December 11, 2022, Archbishop Mark awarded Deacon Michael with the right to wear the double orarion. Axios Deacon Michael!
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HAVEN Women Facility - 02/03/2020
On Monday, February 3, 2019, Father Mark Koczak (retired U.S. Navy Chaplin), Deacon Michael and Matushka Janine McCartney visited HAVEN Women Facility (Helping Achieve Veteran Empowerment Now) in Philadelphia, PA. Haven Women serve the female veteran community who are homeless or in transition; as they have fewer options for shelter than their male counterparts. Our parish donated food, wool hats and scarf sets, and a charitable contribution to the facility. The women were very appreciative of our donations and thanked the parish very much for thinking of them this winter.
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2019 Veterans Project - 12/14/2019
On Saturday, December 14, Father Mark Koczak (retired U.S. Navy Chaplin), Deacon Michael and Matushka Janine McCartney presented 42 Christmas gift bags for the Philadelphia Veterans Homeless Center. The Veterans were very appreciative of the gift bags which included handmade crochet wool knitted hats, gloves, socks, towels, canvas carrying bag, and toiletry kits. Support and donations were received from our parishioners as part of the parish 2019 Advent Project.
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Saint Nicholas Day - 12/05/2019
On Thursday evening, December 5, the faithful of Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA celebrated the Feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker with a Vesperal Divine Liturgy. Before services, eight of our Sunday school children, comprising of three families, decorated the Christmas tree and assisted in decorating the church that afternoon.
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Luncheon with God's House - 09/29/2019
Here are some photos from our luncheon with God's House.
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Pascha 2019 - 04/28/2019
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Holy Saturday 2019 - 04/27/2019
Assumption of the Holy Virgin Celebrates Great and Holy Saturday!
On Saturday morning, April 27th, Father Mark Koczak and the faithful of Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church celebrated the Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil the Great along with all of the 15 Old Testament Readings. Afterward, all stayed to set up and clean up the church in preparation for the Holy Resurrection Services the next morning.
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Holy Friday 2019 - 04/26/2019
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Matins of Great and Holy Friday - 04/25/2019
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Bridegroom Matins with Archbishop Mark - 04/22/2019
It was a pleasure to have his Eminence Archbishop Mark celebrated the Bridegroom Matins Service on Monday evening with the parishioners of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA. His sermon was both enlightening and encouraging as we prepare ourselves this Holy Week and in anticipation of the Holy Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Palm Sunday 2019 - 04/21/2019
The faithful of Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA celebrated the blessing of palms and willows at Vespers on Saturday evening, April 20, and then celebrated the Feast of Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) the following day. After Divine Liturgy, Fr Mark Koczak lead the parishioners in procession around the church.
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2019 Day of Giving - 04/13/2019
On April 13, 2019, we volunteered at Nanna’s Attic in Broomall, PA for the Parish Day of Giving. We had 10 people volunteer and attend to the work needed to be done there. Here are some photos from that event!
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2019 Philadelphia Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood Blessing of the Waters - 01/27/2019
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Catechumen Tim - 01/27/2019
On Sunday, January 27, 2019, we welcomed Tim as a catechumen!
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Christ Is Born! Glorify Him! - 12/25/2018
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2018 Veterans Project - 12/09/2018
On Sunday, December 9, Father Mark Koczak (dressed in his naval uniform), Veterans Project Coordinator Dr. Janine McCartney, her husband the Reader Michael McCartney, and parish president Matthew Andrews visited the Veterans Homeless Center to deliver toiletry kits, sheets, homemade hats, food from the food drive table and other donated clothing and articles of need to the Veterans at the Center. The Vets were very appreciative of the gifts. Thank You All for your generous contributions!!!
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Youth Trip to the Philadelphia Zoo - 08/25/2018
On Saturday, August 25, 2018, Fr. Mark, our youth, and some of their parents went on a trip to the Philadelphia Zoo. Here are some photos from that trip!
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Deacon George's Visit - 08/12/2018
On Sunday, August 12, 2018, Deacon George Sharonoff visited and served Divine Liturgy with us. Here are a few photos from his visit.
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Dining Out in Delaware 2018 - 07/29/2018
On Sunday, July 29, 2018, we celebrated our second annual Dining Out in Delaware at the Ironhill Brewery Restaurant.
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Mission Vesper Service 2018 - 03/25/2018
On Sunday, March 25, 2018, we hosted a Mission Vesper Service.
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Pentecost 2016 - 06/19/2016
On Sunday, June 19th the faithful of Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church celebrated the Feast of Holy Pentecost with Great Vespers and Kneeling Service. After Divine Liturgy, over 45 parishioners and guest proceeded to the church basement for an afternoon luncheon with Pascha food.
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Christmas 2015 - 12/25/2015
Christ is born! Glorify Him!!
Here are some photos from our Christmas 2015 service.
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Father Mark’s and Matushka Janet 1st Service - 12/23/2015
The parish would like to welcome Father Mark and Matushka Janet to our church. Here are some photos from their first service with us.
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E-Day with FOCUS - 08/14/2015
Check out some photos from FOCUS E-Day on August 14, 2015.
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Operation Lace Up - 03/18/2015
On December 1, 2014 the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church and FOCUS held their Operation Lace Up in our church. Thank you to everyone who participated in this event!! We are very grateful for everyone’s help. Below you will find some photos remembering this wonderful event.
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100th Anniversary - 10/27/2013
Check out some photos from our 100th Anniversary Celebration!!
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Sheba’s Baptism - 01/08/2012
On January 7, 2012 the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church welcomed it newest member into the parish. Sheba was baptized at 10:00 AM and welcomed into our church. She received her first communion as an Orthodox Christian on Sunday January 8, 2012. Below you will find some photos remembering her wonderful event.
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